Will likely leave SubStack and Lollipop Boxes and hope that JD: ABCs also moves! According to a piece written by a Substack publisher and published by The Atlantic on November 28, about this platform:

“Some Substack newsletters by Nazis and white nationalists have thousands or tens of thousands of subscribers, making the platform a new and valuable tool for creating mailing lists for the far right. And many accept paid subscriptions through Substack, seemingly that ban attempts to ‘publish content or fund initiatives that incite violence based on protected classes’...Substack, which takes a 10 percent cut of subscription revenue, makes money when readers pay for Nazi newsletters.”

From our perspective as Substack publishers and subscribers, it is unfathomable that someone with a swastika avatar, who writes about “The Jewish question,” or who promotes Great Replacement Theory, could be given the tools to succeed on the SubStack platform. And yet they’ve been unable to adequately explain their position.

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I recognize everything about Cambridge/Somerville/Harvard changing cities, etc.!

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love where you take this

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Such a sweet little memory saved in a box.

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